Online Courses
Online courses for anyone with a passion to own and run their own wedding venue.
Are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing?
If so, then these are the perfect courses for you. They are packed with everything you need to know about how to start and run a successful wedding venue business. You’ll get access to all of the online courses that have been created by me - a woman who ran two six-figure venues herself! I know what it takes to be successful in this industry and want to share my knowledge with others.
These courses will give you the tools, resources, and strategies needed to make your dream come true. You can finally stop dreaming about being your own boss and actually do something about it!
These courses are designed specifically for people just like yourself who want more out of life but don’t know where or how to start making their dreams happen. They include step-by-step instructions on every aspect of starting up your own wedding venue business from scratch including finding the perfect property, attracting clients, hiring staff members, setting up your financials, creating marketing materials…and much more!
So what are you waiting for? Let me help turn your dreams into reality today!
Signature Online Courses

The Six-Figure Wedding Venue Business Roadmap
This course will help you go from so-so sales to six-figures. It is based on the framework I used at my two venues and have helped other venue owners do as well.
Perfect for new venues starting out or established locations that are ready to level up.

Buying the Perfect Property for Your Wedding Venue Business
One of the main reasons people have reached out to me over the years is to ask me to help them figure out how to find & buy the perfect property to start their wedding venue dream.
If this is you, then you'll want to check this course out! ​
All courses are backed with a
No-Risk 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Ever spend money on something and then feel like you didn't get what you paid for? Me too. And that's why I feel pretty strongly about offering you the option of getting your money back if you don't get any benefit from any of my courses. That's how confident I am that my programs address all of the questions you already have and likely ones you didn't even think of!
"Are there conditions?"
Sure - we all know that if you don't even try or do the work, you won't be learning so I'm not letting you off that easy! But, if after starting a course, you aren't benefitting in any way from the lessons, then before the 31st day after you sign-up, send me an email at amee@weddingvenuebiz.com, show me you did the exercises and work, and I'll offer you a full refund of your payment.
"Are you worried that people will take advantage of you?"
Yeah, that thought crosses my mind every once in a while because mean people suck, especially people who want to get your tools and experience without paying for it. But I know most of you reading this are not those kind of people and you get that teaching is how I take care of my family. Plus, I know after working with entrepreneurs over the years, that I can really help you and probably even exceed your expectations! So, I'd rather you to feel confident about learning from me than worry about a few bad apples.